This year I’ve completely read 9 books (some half reads) and now I am on the 10th. It isn’t a race, but it is a personal achievement.
All the books I read were non-fiction and had some sense of heaviness to it. The current book, Homo Deus, I am reading is extremely heavy in content.
The thing about non-fiction is that you cannot miss the details, otherwise you are completely off-track.
I quite enjoy the process though. And the more I read the more I come to terms with lack of knowledge. There is nothing I can say for definite now about the world.
I don’t know if this is the impact reading has on you. I used to have the misconception that reading more makes you smarter. But it is actually having the opposite effect. I now feel like it is my moral responsibility to refrain from making definite statements about anything.
This is quite freeing in many ways. Because I no longer hold the ‘ignorance’ of 'knowing’. But I ‘know’ that I am ‘ignorant’.