I am tired

Sangita Rajesh Iyer
2 min readJun 16, 2019


Do you ever feel like leaving everything and heading to the Himalayas and sitting in some cave? You know, like our Prime Minister did during the elections.

I think I’ve reached a tipping point in my life. It is probably too early because my biological age is only 27. But my mental age is probably 80.

I am tired of how reckless people are. I’m really tired of extremely self destructive people.

And I am majorly tired of selfish people. Selfishness seems to be the norm.

Machiavelli and Chanakya may have prescribed self preservation as the highest norm, but they did so for Kings who had to protect the land’s sovereignty.

And self preservation is completely different from Selfishness. Selfishness breeds ego, greed and more than that it is also very self sabotaging. The more selfish you grow up to be, the less valuable your life becomes.

I am tired of lack of integrity.

When someone has said they will do something, they ought to be held accountable. Even more if they don’t do it. But since most people lack integrity, it has become a game of protecting each other’s back. Integrity-less back.

I am tired of the lack of straightforwardness.

I read a book about effective “sales techniques” and how to apply the same in life. One of the most important technique was how never beat around the bush or even worse — lie.

Straight forwardness and honesty pays far more. But people have been conditioned to believe that by putting up a farce they stand to gain more.

The perpetrators of this classic horrible technique are the colonisers. British culture has made the world believe that if you are a ‘con’ you will ‘win’. But sadly look at where Britain stands now. And in complete contrast look at where US stands, and it is because they value and possess integrity, honesty and straight forwardness.

I don’t consider anyone who has the above qualities superior. Instead I consider others who lack it extremely unfortunate. They have to lead lives full of darkness, with struggles manifested out of their own actions.

While those who possess the basic decent qualities live a life amidst clowns.

And we can’t even enjoy the show. Because our hearts reach out to these clowns and want them to stop destroying themselves and stop disturbing the society as well.

I guess what I am trying to say is — I am tired.



Sangita Rajesh Iyer
Sangita Rajesh Iyer

Written by Sangita Rajesh Iyer

*Political Science,*International Politics,*Reading,* *Sitcoms,*Optimistic,*Grateful to the Universe

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