Mind: The Illness
Osho, in his book “the book of secrets”, says that Mind itself is the illness. We in the modern world are believably thinking how “mind has illnesses” because of “mental health issues”. We want to create more ‘awareness' for the same. But Osho says, rightfully, that mind itself is the illness which needs to be transcended and not fixed.
He gives the following example in his book.
Think of Mind as a room.
In the West: If the room gets hot, you switch the AC on. And make it comfortable. You constantly work on re-arranging the room and making it more liveable. But the mind is not as static as an actual room. It is a process and problems keep cropping up, and then you constantly make adjustments.
In the East: If the room gets uncomfortable you just search for the door and leave.
Sadly, we in the East have adopted the western ideals of treating “problems of the mind” instead of treating “mind as the problem.”
He also says further that mind exists, or pretends to exists, as a bridge between the physical and non physical. This form of bridge is always in turmoil and anxious. Because it can’t see the “non physical”. An actual bridge over a river is stable because it builds the gap between two physical things. But the mind isn’t so.
And there are only two kinds of fodder the mind needs : Past and Future. If you think like a revolutionary and live here and now, the mind ceases to exist.
But modern day religions don’t want that. They warn you to think about the future, in fact about life after death as well. They have such a stronghold over their followers. They teach their followers to listen to the anxieties of their mind. They talk about sins (past) and heaven and hell (future).
But if you had no mind, would these religions or any religion be able to control you? Absolutely not! Which is why ancient philosophies in believe in wanting you to think about here and now. Being in the moment and letting of anxiety which will drop the mind and you can successfully exit the room.
Imagine, if you learnt to leave the mind, use it only as needed. Like you use a kitchen only when you’re hungry, can anything in life ever have a control over you? No. ☺