Orange tree
Two years ago I had a minor knee surgery (mpfl reconstruction) and I was at home recovering from it. All this while I was subjected to house arrest and more like my bed room arrest.
But a day before my surgery I went out and bought a planter to hang off our window railing.
Even though my knee was injured I carried that 5 kilo planter (with mud in it) and placed it outside the window. I had got two plants in it: Periwinkle and Hibiscus.
I mainly did this cause of my obsession with gardening and because I knew I’ll be looking out of that window for a while (20 days) so I needed something pretty to look at while I recovered.
Best decision ever.
One day during recovery I was eating oranges and I thought maybe I could put some orange seeds into that pot. I did not really expect anything to grow out of it.
And yet here we are. A beautiful sapling of an orange tree.
Someday I’ll take this sapling to my farm (which I will own with a beautiful farm house.)
And this will grow into my first orange tree. Yes, these are far fetched dreams, but I think I am allowed to have them?
It fascinates me how something that was a tiny little seed grew into this beautiful sapling. I know it is common knowledge and that is how trees grow (and kinda how other beings also grow).
But it is so humbling.