Positive Thinking and the myth around it.
Positive thinking works. But there’s a catch to it.
Positive thinking works, when you think of positive scenarios, do affirmations and they happen. But there’s a small catch to it.
Do you ever feel you are writing positive affirmations, creating positive thoughts — we wind up with more worry than ever? Because now that we have written these affirmations, imagined those scenarios, we feel emotionally attached to it, and naturally our brain tries to prepare us for the opposite of those scenarios and we find ourselves resisting all the negativity. Then this exercise of positive thinking gives us more stress than ever, instead of reducing our anxiety, it adds to it.
What is the key here? Attachment and hope.
Always and always hope for the best in your life, think about beautiful and wonderful scenarios that can happen and they definitely will happen. At the same time calm yourself down. Don’t get emotionally attached to it.
It is like thinking about a wonderful positive scenario that is a possibility in your life, enjoy the feeling that generates within you when you think about it, and now slowly calm down. Perhaps sip a cup of tea and resume your normal life with calmness. Avoid playing that scenario in your head throughout the day. Our mind is a questioning machine, and it will want to check our vitals when the opposite happens. This anxiety is necessary to bring a balance in your emotions.
So when our mind brings the completely opposite scenario to us, don’t resist. Let it check the vitals. Let it see how we respond calmly to the same scenario. That is Zen. That is balance.
An example: We write affirmations for getting a raise, getting married and start imagining all the wonderful things surrounding it. Now imagine the complete opposite, or rather none of the above happening. Be calm when you imagine either or.
This is positive thinking, this prepares us to face the worst and enjoy the absolute best. It gives a sense of power that makes us think with such clarity, that our positive thoughts actually manifest.
Have a wonderful week ahead!