Small wins
Currently I am in the middle of a book called The Power of Habit.
This is an incredible book. Right now I am at the part where the author discusses the concept of keystone habits, which in other term is called “small wins”.
The author says, small wins start building up and give pace to other small wins.
This is very true. I vividly remember when I was recovering from my knee injury, I would count small wins every day. For example the day when I walked more than two rounds, the day I could stand without a support, the day I stood in the kitchen cooking for myself and so much more.
Even the day I got into an extremely crowded train during peak hours and got off successfully. I held on to these small wins very dearly.
This helped me build my body agile enough to start playing tennis, doing runs and now walking for hours without a halt.
Even while I hunted for a job, I used this technique and counted every small win every day. Now it is time I bring back this concept of small win and apply it to almost all areas of my life. ☺
The book says how to use them and it is inspiring to see that even the coach of Michael Phelps used this technique.
I have also realised how much I need to learn to reorganize my brain and rewire better habits into it.